

We’re at another inflection point in the COVID pandemic. In many communities, physicians and dentists are gearing up to return to elective cases.

This is a great time to pick up the phone and see how your doctor prospects and clients are doing.

Here are some questions you can bring to them:

General Questions:

  • How are you and your family doing?
  • How are you keeping yourselves safe and healthy?
  • What do you miss most?
  • What is your biggest challenge today? This should not be your first question; however, it may be the most important one. Every challenge is an opportunity for your to deliver value.

As Dr. Francis Peabody said, “For the secret of the care of the patient is in caring for the patient.” Show your doctor prospects and clients you care by posing these questions. 

 Professional Questions:

  • What do you think your clinical calendar will look like in the next 30 days?
  • On a scale of 1 to 10, what is your level of concern about meeting your monthly expenses?
  • Are there any professional pivots you are contemplating?
  • If you had a magic wand, what clinical problem would you like solved?
  • Is there any way I might help you navigate the federal relief programs?

My guess is that physicians will still be most concerned about meeting their current financial needs; however, you may find that individual doctors are interested in addressing retirement planning.  

Networking Questions:

  • What medical associations have offered leadership?
  • What publications are you reading?
  • What social media platforms are you frequenting?
  • What questions are you googling?

These questions will help you identify platforms that could potentially sponsor a presentation you make, publish tips you might develop or distribute your “yummy treats”

Listen empathically.
Doctors’ answers to these questions can guide your marketing efforts over the next few months. 

Stay safe and strong,  
Dr. Vicki

PS Would you like to acquire more doctor clients?  For the past decade we have offered our signature Cracking the Physician Code Course.  Participants take away a soup-to-nuts blueprint to accelerate their growth by acquiring more doctor clients.

We have completed updated the course content to reflect our current COVID world. We call it the Cracking the Physician Code Master Course.  

Whether you’re a already working with doctor clients or you’re just jumping into the medical market, you will take away actionable ideas to take your business to the next level of success.

We will begin recording the new content Monday, May 18th, 2020.  If you enroll this week, you get a bonus: you can join the daily  live sessions and gain access to live coaching.

Click here to learn more. 

© 2020. Vicki Rackner MD.  All rights reserved.  You may reproduce this blog post with the following by-line:
Vicki Rackner MD is an author, speaker and consultant who offers a bridge between the world of medicine and the world of business. She helps financial advisors acquire physician clients, and she helps physicians run more successful practices. Contact her at (425) 451-3777.