July 1st Marketing Opportunities

July 1st Marketing Opportunities

 July 1st is a red-letter day in the world of medicine.


It’s because medical/dental school begins July 1st. That means that doctors advance a step at the end of June. They graduate from medical school at the end of June and begin residency July 1st. They end their residency or fellowship training in late June and begin their jobs around July 1st.

Since most doctors sign annual employment contracts, job shifts are usually made around July 1st.

That means that there are new doctors arriving in your town around July 1st. And the first few months a doctor joins a new practice, they actually have time for you to take them out for coffee or breakfast or lunch.

Want to learn more about how to engage thesis doctors? Join us for a webinar Tuesday, July 18th at 11 AM Central to learn how. Click here to register to join live and get the replay link.