Do DOctors You Serve Want to Discuss Entrepreneurship?

Do DOctors You Serve Want to Discuss Entrepreneurship?

I do my best to keep my finger on the pulse of “hot topics” among doctors.

These days, entrepreneurship tops the list. Physicians and dentists are specifically interested in:

  • How to attract more patients to private practices and optimize cash flow
  • How to launch sided gigs
  • How to transition to non-clinical careers.

Some physicians had a great 2020, while others hibernated waiting for the pandemic to pass so things would get back to normal.
Will we ever return to an updated version of 2019? Few believe so. The COVID pandemic has fundamentally changed the way we ALL do business–even the business of medicine.
Elements of entrepreneurship–knowing how to create value, market and sell–represent must-have skills for all of us. Including doctors.

Here’s how I have responded to this trend:

  • I am about to release a new book about physician entrepreneurship (Yes, you can write a custom foreword and afterword!)
  • I created a quiz “What kind of doctor entrepreneur are you?” (Yes, you can license it to generate doctor leads!)
  • I launched a Thriving Doctors Podcast. (Yes, you can distribute links to the doctors on your list!)

How about YOU? How can you join or add to doctors’ conversations about entrepreneurship?

​My best,
Dr. Vicki