Cracking the Physician Code Master Class

Cracking the Physician Code Master Class

For the past 15 years, I’ve helped financial advisors accelerate their growth by attracting, engaging and serving more doctor clients.

From my perspective, there has never been a better time to build business relationships with doctors. Click here to view my recent tutorial that lays out the reasons.

If you’ve launched campaigns to work with more doctor clients in the past, you may have been disappointed by your results.

You might have wondered, “Why do campaigns that worked so well with small business owners flop with doctors?”

You might have observed smart doctors throwing good money after bad at dumb doctor deals.

You might had have doctors show up to your seminars, only to ghost you.

You might have gotten that sinking feeling in your gut as you tally the numbers of dollars you’ve invested in campaigns that don’t work with doctors.

You may tell a story about these results that goes something like this, “You just can’t reach doctors! I’m not even going to try.”

I feel your pain! I’ve been there myself when I made the transition from my career as a practicing surgeon to an entrepreneur. I spent many, many years struggling.

Here’s the thing that turned things around for me. I learned more about the people whom I hoped would pay me for my services. I understood they were wired differently than I was.

What if you could get the results you wanted by simply understanding how doctors think and what really inspires doctors to take action?

Imagine a doctor saying to you, “Have you been eavesdropping on the conversations I’m having in my own head about money? You know EXACTLY what’s happening in my life!”

That’s the result I help financial advisors get! It’s not by black magic. There’s a repeatable process that unlocks otherwise closed doors.

For the past 15 years I’ve been refining my signature Cracking the Physician Code Master Class. Participants take away a complete soup-to-nuts blueprint for building a physicians-friendly practice, including:

  • Insider tips about how doctors think and what inspired doctors to take action
  • A step-by-step blueprint
  • Tips for flawless execution

Once a year I re-record the Cracking the Physician Code Master Class. The reason is simple: I want participants to have access to the most updated information and tips and tools. Marketing campaigns that worked in 2014 or 2018 or 2020 simply don’t work as well any more. I want to show you what works TODAY.

I’m about to deliver the live course that will be the on-demand resources for financial advisors this year.

If you are committed to creating the results you seek in the medical marketing in 2024/2024, I invite you to learn more and consider enrolling.

Here’s the course content:

Module 1: The Ten Laws of Physician Engagement. These are like the laws of gravity, describing the natural behaviors of physicians. Once your actions align with the 10 Laws, you will get better results.

Module 2: Find Your Focus. The most successful advisors do not try to be all things to all doctors; instead they strategically focus on targeted groups of best-fit physicians.

Module 3: Gather Intelligence. You will learn how to conduct “informational interviews” and gather intelligence to be at the right place and the right time with the right marketing message.

Module 4: Groom for Engagement. With the intelligence you have gathered, you see options for creating a doctor-friendly web site and curate marketing messages that addresses the issues that are important to your prospects.

Module 5: Generate Leads. You will learn about the three buckets of leads you can tap into and make plans for campaigns.

Module 6: Build Sales Funnels. You will learn how to help a doctor progress from someone who does not know you to a lead to a prospect to a client to an evangelist.

Module 7: Cultivate a Culture of Introductions. Learn how to harness the power of your existing delighted doctor clients to expand your impact.

Module 8: Reverse Engineer Your B2D Blueprint. You will learn what to do on a daily, weekly and monthly basis to build and grow your physician-friendly practice.

I will be honest. Participating in the course is like drinking from a fire hose.  That’s why you have access to the replays; you can go back and listen again and again to pick up more details.

Further, once you enroll in the course, you are welcome to join the live course delivery year after year.

Here is the calendar for the LIVE courses :

Module 1: Tuesday, October 1st, 2024 9 AM Pacific

Module 2: Thursday, October 3rd, 2024 9 AM Pacific

Module 3:  Tuesday, October 8th, 2024 9 AM Pacific

Module 4: Thursday, October 10th, 2024 9 AM Pacific

Module 5: Tuesday, October 15th, 2024 9 AM Pacific

Module 6: Thursday, October 17th, 2024 9 AM Pacific

Module 7: Tuesday, October 22nd, 2024 9 AM Pacific

Module 8: Thursday, October 24th, 2024 9 AM Pacific

Click here to learn more about the course. 
If this is a good fit for you, we look forward to helping you get the practice growth you desire!

To your success!
Dr. Vicki

PS Click here to learn more about the Cracking the Physician Code Course that begins October 1st, 2024