Being Seen, Heard and COunted

Being Seen, Heard and COunted

My 70-something year old neighbor Jan was up before dawn today, and will not return home until long after sunset.  She volunteered to be a local polling place judge. 
Jan balanced her own personal risk of contracting COVID —as well as the discomfort of rising many hours before she normally does.—against her conviction that every American has the right to be seen, heard and counted.
This has been a difficult year. It’s easy to get sucked into the darkness.

Martin Luther King said, “Only in the darkness can you see the stars.”

Jan’s act of service is the light in a dark election season.

Be the person who sees the stars. Notice acts of kindness. Share them with others.

And go vote!

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© 2020. Vicki Rackner MD is an author, speaker and consultant who offers a bridge between the world of medicine and the world of business. She helps businesses acquire physician clients, and she helps physicians run more successful practices. Contact her at (425) 451-3777.