Business Lessons from Uncle Tiny

Business Lessons from Uncle Tiny

I wish you could meet my 97-year-old Uncle Tiny.  He thrives by staying engaged, keeping his sense of humor and trying new things.  Here he is at age 91 breaking a world bench press record.

I asked him, “Uncle Tiny,  as you look back on your own life, what does the COVID pandemic remind you of?”

Without thinking he said, “Nothing. I’ve never been through anything like this. Sure, my parents worried about polio during outbreaks, but the kids still went to school. My friends and i still played after school.” 

The world has changed in fundamental ways. There are many new challenges—and new business opportunities.

Tiger Woods eternally pursues excellence. Over his PGA tour he had six different coaches and used six different swings. 

Uncle Tiny encourages those around him to try new things. As we move in 2021, how well are you positioned to thrive in this new world? What changes in your business swings will help you, too, pursue excellence?